Is CrossFit Right for Me?

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You’re here on this page for a reason. Most likely, you’ve been thinking of your current fitness levels and health and realize you’d love to be in better shape.

Well, the fact that you found this page speaks volumes about you. It means you care about your health, that you believe in bettering yourself, and that you are proactive about doing something about it. This already separates you from the thousands of people who’re sitting on their couches doing nothing, so congratulations! You are exactly the type of person we love. And we believe you will love us right back.

BUT we know that CrossFit is not for everyone, so we’ve created this page to help you decide whether or not you want to stop by and give it a try.

What if I'm completely out of shape?

CrossFit works with you at whatever level you are at. Even if you haven’t left your couch in years, we will start where you’re at and work from there. You are never too out of shape to begin getting in shape.

CrossFit is infinitely scalable, so it really doesn’t matter what your current fitness levels are – there will always be scalable options for you.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get there!

But won't I get injured? CrossFit looks so dangerous!

Yes, exercise can be dangerous. Just like going for a run, taking a hot yoga class and crossing the road can be dangerous. But it doesn’t have to be.
At CrossFit Brit your safety is our HIGHEST priority. We want you to be healthy and well above all else, so this is the foundation of our coaching.
We have expert coaches who will guide you through each movement and ensure that you perform workouts in the safest way possible.
The only danger is that you could get TOO fit and hot and make your friends jealous!

But it looks way too intense for me!

CrossFit can be intense, yes. You’ve seen clips from the CrossFit Games, or videos of athletes performing incredible feats and you think – I could never workout that hard. We get it! Nor could we! These people are professional athletes, not your average Jane just trying to get healthy.
At CrossFit Brit, workouts are as intense as you want them to be. Sure, we’ll push you to get better and give you the motivation to do things you never thought possible, but you get to call the shots in terms of how hard you push your body.

I have an injury and I'm afraid to aggravate it.

We have worked with many individuals who have come in with injuries – both serious and minor. In both cases we work with you where you are at and will hopefully not only get you past your injury, but get you doing things you thought you’d never be able to do again!

I really just don't have time!

We get it. You’re working hard, raising a family, caring for others and just trying to keep your life afloat. It can seem impossible to find the time.
But here’s the thing, YOU are your most valuable asset. Without you being in tiptop shape, all those other aspects of your life will start to suffer. Science has proven that we operate way more effectively when we exercise. As John Ratey, M.D. says “exercise is really for the brain, NOT the body. It affects mood, vitality, alertness and feelings of well-being.”
It’s time to start considering working out as something that is non-negotiable if you want to make the most of the rest of your life. We can ALL find time for things that are important to us. Even if you can just commit to 3 workouts a week, you will soon see the huge benefits this has on your productivity and energy levels throughout the rest of your days.
Remember: Your body is your most valuable asset, so invest in it!

But it's so expensive!

CrossFit is not cheap. Any time you find a “too good to be true” deal at a gym, chances are it really is too good to be true. In life you will almost always get what you pay for, and when it comes to your body (your most valuable asset), you really don’t want to be cutting corners or getting the cheap equivalent to the real deal.
The reason CrossFit costs what it does is that it is like having a personal trainer by your side every time you walk in the door. You will see changes in your body and health that you would never see so fast working out alone or in some huge class where there really isn’t any individual attention.
At CrossFit Brit, we pride ourselves in knowing every single member – what your strengths are, and where you need to work harder and what makes you tick. We also work with your goals and take into account your style of learning. This is not just an exercise class or a gym where you walk in and do your own thing. You will receiver personal attention, guidance and the highest standard of coaching every step of the way.
As with food, you either pay for good quality training now, or you pay your doctor later. Why not invest in yourself now!
And if you think you can’t afford it, maybe it’s time to start looking at where you are spending your money. For the cost of a daily frappuccino you could be getting your body to the best shape of your life AND be avoiding chugging down those sugary empty calories!

But I'm way too old to start something like CrossFit!

You are NEVER too old to start CrossFit. Even if you are 100 years old (congrats for being online if you are) you are precisely the right age to start. CrossFit is infinitely scalable, so we’ll work with whatever starting point you are at and get you to do things you previously thought you’d never do again (or ever do, period!)
And, from our experience, you will likely shave years off in terms of how you look and feel within a few months of doing CrossFit!

I just want to get healthy, not compete in the Olympics!

For some people being the best, the fittest, the strongest, the fastest, etc, is super important. But for the vast majority of people, it is all about being the healthiest YOU possible. We hear you. You just want to get your body into great shape, feel comfortable in your own skin and feel healthy and energized. And those are no small goals.
Well we’ve got you covered. Our focus is on getting you to be the healthiest, most vibrant you possible, not turning you into the next CrossFit Games Champion (unless, of course, that becomes your goal!)

I've heard I'll be in terrible pain when I first start.

This is a big fear. No-one LIKES being in pain. And here’s the cold, harsh truth. If you have never left your sofa and you start an exercise program (ANY exercise program), you WILL feel it. There is no way around that. Every time we put our bodies into a new situation and subject it to new movements, our muscles need to adjust. This is how we get stronger, fitter and more skilled. In short, if we want to get better at ANYTHING – physical, mental or spiritual, we have to step out of our cushy little comfort zone and feel some level of discomfort. Depending on how much you dive in to start with this could be mild to a little more intense, but it always passes. Your body will soon adapt and you will be shocked at how movements you struggled with when you first walked in the door quickly feel natural and even easy.
But there is truth behind the old adage “no pain, no gain”. You cannot get better without a little pushing at those boundaries! The good thing is that you get to decide how hard you push to begin with.

Love this place. Sham is a fantastic trainer and coach. The workouts are tough but completable (most of the time). My favorite thing about this place is the people, the other folks working out. Lots of types, many far more experienced, some very new but all part of the team, all chanting each other on.

I am beyond happy that I switched to this box. Sham and all the coaches make sure they are paying attention to your form/technique. The minute I walked in everyone introduced themselves and made me feel comfortable and right at home. The way the business is handled is very straight forward. If you email with questions they get replied to pretty quickly. I highly recommend CrossFit Brit!

This place is hands down the best. Sham (the owner and head coach) is absolutely amazing; he reviews proper form and technique at the beginning of every class. In addition, he never hesitates to offer his educated wisdom on techniques, nutrition, soreness, and more.
CrossFit Brit has changed the way I look at working out, changed the way I view nutrition, and changed my whole outlook on fitness. And while doing so, it’s introduced me to a countless number of amazing people.
There are other gyms out there but there is only one CrossFit Brit!

Email us to get started on the body you want today!

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